Tasmania's World-Class Potential

Blogging, I have found, is a liberating medium for someone who naturally struggles with verbosity. Tweeting has been great for on-the-run snapshots ( https://twitter.com/joshdeanLC ), but 140 characters doesn’t allow deeper digression. And for those that know me, I am a deeper digression sort of person. This is my first blog post in a while and there is a reason(s) for that, not the least of which is because blogging takes some internal processing time before blurting it all out, editing and pressing 'publish'. But also because ever since I departed for the USA I have been both formally and informally, consciously and subconsciously, engaged in processes of inquiry and experiences that, in totality, will form my Hardie Fellowship. As human beings, we are constantly learning in response to the experiences that we have and this Hardie Fellowship experience is quite literally one of global proportions, providing access to world-class facilities, world-class r...