Planning and organising

Mark and I have been collaboratively planning our Hardie predominantly using OneNote. Using this tool we have kept a running record of ideas, draft Hardie Fellowship applications, and now as a central location for all of our finalised plans and ongoing research. The OneNote has been a repository for various thoughts, artefacts, links, invoices, receipts, itinerary, etc, that come our way. They are in the one location and can be accessed by either Mark or myself whenever needed. We have both found this very helpful. All the major Universities have summer courses that you can enroll in and we have selected to study at University of Illinois and University of Wisconsin-Stout. We will be based at the University of Illinois, staying in self-contained student apartments at Orchard Downs. While the course commencement dates are a little way off, it is interesting to note the efficiency and detail of correspondence between us and the Universities from an ear...